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City Council Minutes 11/19/2001
Council Meeting # 47
Business Meeting
Memorial City Hall
November 19, 2001

Roll Call
Present: Councilors Mason, McNabb, Hunter, Mayor Carnicelli
Absent: Councilor Dempsey

Presentations and Proclamations
·       Assistant Fire Chief Daniel Curry for his service through Federal Emergency Management Agency at the World Trade Center in NYC.
·       Firefighter Christopher Logue for his service through the North Area Volunteer Ambulance Corps at the World Trade Center in NYC.

Linda Murphy, Chairperson of the City
·       Directory booklet is at the final draft stage and ready to be published.
·       Working on updating goals.
·       Planning to do a survey of middle and high school students
·       Working on a holiday project for teens that involves decorating windows downtown.
·       Recruiting new members for commission focusing on teen members.

Public Announcements
City Manager Report
The City Manager reported the following:
·       Public Works is ready for snowfall with salt, equipment, etc.  The city will enforce sidewalk ordinance that requires snow to be cleared.
·       Staff is linking webpage to internal email to better manage citizen feedback.
·       2002-03 budget work is starting in January.
·       Looking at traffic numbers on Thursday evenings when the Clerk and Treasurer
·       Suggested that more vehicles may be added in the near future for lease purchase because rates are so good.

Public to be Heard
George Day 25 Florence St. spoke to ask who will enforce snow ordinance.  And commented on fire hydrants not being cleared.  He also mentioned that the extended Thursday hours at City Hall are not easily seen on the city
Presentation of Petitions and Communications
Report of City Officials- None

Committee Reports
Curbing Resolution #175 of 2001 authorizing award of curbing installation for property owners through the 2001 Road Program. Mason, McNabb, Hunter Carnicelli, vote yes.  Dempsey- Absent.

Appointment Resolution #177 of 2001 authorizing appointment to Auburn Industrial Development Authority. Mason, McNabb, Hunter, Carnicelli, vote yes.  Dempsey- Absent.

Council Resolution #178 of 2001 determining that the acquisition of various transportation and maintenance equipment consisting of one pay loader, one 6-wheel heavy duty dump truck, one 1-ton dump truck and one stake truck  is a Type II action for purposes of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act. Mason, McNabb, Hunter, Carnicelli, vote yes.  Dempsey- Absent.

Council Resolution #179 of 2001 authorizing the execution of a Lease-Purchase Agreement to finance the cost of purchasing various equipment, machinery and apparatus for the City of Auburn in an amount not to exceed $270,000. Mason, McNabb, Hunter, Carnicelli, all vote aye.  Dempsey
Council Resolution #180 of 2001 authorizing the Mayor to make application to the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation to nominate the City of Auburn Historic Resources Review Board to become a Certified Local Government.  Mason, McNabb, Hunter, Carnicelli, all vote yes.  Dempsey
Council Resolution #181 of 2001 authorizing City staff to solicit downtown and community-wide participation for input into the development and revitalization of downtown Auburn.  Mason, McNabb, Hunter Carnicelli all vote yes.  Dempsey
Council Resolution #182 of 2001 determining that purchase of a new fire truck including apparatus used in connection with such fire truck is a Type II action for the purposes of the New York State Environment Quality Review Act.  Mason, McNabb, Hunter Carnicelli all vote yes.  Dempsey
Financial Resolution #183 of 2001 authorizing the execution and delivery of a lease-purchase agreement to finance the cost of a new fire truck for the City of Auburn in an amount not to exceed $420,000. Mason, McNabb, Hunter Carnicelli all vote yes.  Dempsey
Award Resolution #184 of 2001 authorizing the award of bid for the 2000 GPM Compressed Air Foam System (CAFS) Pumper to Har-Rob Kuipment (Smeal Fire Apparatus) of Syracuse, New York for their bid of Four Hundred Eighteen Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-nine ($418,899) dollars. Mason, McNabb, Hunter Carnicelli all vote yes.  Dempsey
Other Business
Councilor McNabb followed up on the Manager
Second Public to be Heard - None

Motion to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss the financial history of a particular corporation.  Mason/McNabb